LEARN TO BUILD AN RC AIRPLANEAnd make it fly with our step by step videos in this course
Take the class to make your project fly

This course will teach you the basics to build a foam board RC airplane, buy the right components, connect the electronics and set up the radio control, then you’ll learn the basics to make it fly. This is a low budget build, perfect to start in the hobby.


What to expect from the course?

This is a basic course for someone who hasn’t built an RC airplane before, this course explains the basic terms to build the Joytrainer mini, what you learn here can be applied to build other RC airplanes.

The course includes several lessons in videos and a few graphics and written material to complement the lessons.

  1. An introductory video about the materials, components, and tools you need.
  2. Video explaining how to connect the electronics for this aircraft.
  3. The main full-length video building the aircraft.
  4. Video explaining how to set up the software in your radio (using the Taranis X9D plus and Flysky i6 as examples).
  5. Bonus videos about details of the project.


The plans for this model are free.

Donwload them here

If you already purchased the course before April 2023 you can enter here.

Or if you purchased the course via Vimeo please enter here.

Joyplanes Joytrainer mini
Start learning the art of making flying machines.Enroll now
See you soon in the air